We offer in-person counseling & coaching, telehealth counseling & coaching, and keynote speaking. Please call us at 407-647-7005 to setup an appointment today!

C. Dwight Bain

Dwight Bain

Dwight Bain, LMHC, NCC, CLC

Is your life stuck? Do you need help rewriting your story through the power of creative change? In a crisis you need counseling strategies. In a slump you need coaching strategies. Dwight Bain has guided thousands of people through challenging times as an Author, Nationally Certified Counselor, Certified Leadership Coach, Licensed Mental Health Counselor and former Family Law Mediator in clinical practice since he founded our counseling group in 1984. 

You can solve the stress with a skilled guide who can map out your next step through major change. With over 55,000 hours of face-to-face counseling and coaching experience, Dwight is equipped to create a growth plan to guide you past the pressure toward greater purpose and fulfillment. He has spoken to thousands of groups about the strategy of creating positive change at organizations like Toyota, Disney, DuPont, United States Army, American Counseling Association, Florida Mental Health Counseling Association and the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation.

The media trust these change strategies for their readers, viewers and listeners, which is why Dwight has been interviewed on hundreds of radio and television stations and quoted as a Change Expert in over 100 newspapers – magazines – and websites including: The Washington Post, New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, Miami Herald, Atlanta Journal, Investor’s Business Daily, Orlando Business Journal, Sacramento Bee, CBN.com, Orlando Sentinel, FoxBusiness.com, MSNBC.com, Newsday and quoted in over 20 books on creating positive change. He is the author of “Destination Success” a book on creating a balanced life printed in multiple languages as well as the co-author of five other books on mapping out a plan greater than the pressure you are facing.

Dwight spent over 15 years as a Family Law Mediator working alongside families in complex situations and high-conflict family owned businesses. He worked with these families through power struggles to resolve conflict and move toward peaceful resolutions. This work included serving two years as an affiliate member of the Florida Bar on the committee protecting the needs of children in complicated divorces.

He is a senior trainer in community crisis management credentialed by the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation and University of Maryland which has allowed him to help rebuild stability after national disasters like the Columbine and Parkland School Shootings, Hurricane Katrina, the Orlando Pulse Terrorist Attack and the devastation in New York City after the terrorist attacks of 9/11 where he worked with a team helping first responders and survivors.

He is a lifelong resident of Orlando, Florida where he lives with Sheila, his wife of over 30 years, their two young adult children and an assortment of pets.
dwight bain

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Solving Stress & Anxiety
Stabilizing Complex Conflict
Career Coaching & Career Reinvention
Rapid Strategies to create Calm after Crisis
Trauma Recovery & Post-Traumatic Growth
Managing Marital Crisis
Structured Separation (Pre-Divorce)
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